P-04-508 Restore the Glandyfi view

Petition wording:

Whilst generally welcoming the widening of the A487 at Glandyfi, we are extremely concerned and deeply saddened that the work has involved unnecessarily raising the wall on the seaward side of the road, which now prevents users of the road and residents from enjoying the spectacular views across the Dyfi Estuary which have formed part of the local landscape for centuries. We do not feel that the creation of a formal ‘viewpoint’; makes up for the loss of the views which have heretofore been enjoyed daily by users of this important road, both visitors and locals. We therefore call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to immediately instruct the contractors to lower the wall by a sufficient amount to restore our rightful view of this beautiful and unique landscape.


Additional Information:

The long-awaited work to widen the A487 at Glandyfi is now almost complete. All regular users of the road will be very glad to see an end to the awful congestion caused by the narrow bends on the road near Glandyfi Junction.


But a totally unnecessary side-effect of the work (in addition to the building of the largest walls in Wales since Edward I) has been the construction of a new wall between the road and the Dyfi Estuary. The new wall completely hides the view of this beautiful area from the sight of passing motorists, a view which has been enjoyed by users of the road for centuries.


The old wall was only a couple of feet high, and allowed uninterrupted views of the wonderful vistas across the river and sandbanks to the hills beyond. The new wall, for reasons known only to the developers, is nearly six feet high in places, and completely blocks the view. Some new viewpoints have been created, but this does not make up for the loss.


It is not too late to change things: the wall can be reduced to a sensible height with little effort or cost, and we can again enjoy our views across the river.


Petition raised by:  Nigel Callaghan


Date petition first considered by Committee: 8 October 2013


Number of signatures: 83